Make meal time a whole lot of fun with this dining high chair that comes with a table to make reaching food easier and provide a safe shopping experience. Here's a description of its features:
HIGH-QUALITY DESIGN: Handcrafted products of high quality, durability and sustainability, with an attractive design that blends in with your dining room decor.
BUILT-IN DINING TABLE: Comes with an interactive dining table, providing additional space if desired. The diet can be adjusted easily.
ADJUSTABLE SAFETY BELT: Features an adjustable safety belt that stabilizes the child while sitting. This provides protection and safety while eating.
Easy to clean: Easily cleanable surface, you can choose it with a lightweight warming cloth.
Quickly adjusts the height of the chair: The height of the chair can be quickly adjusted, making it suitable for different stages of development.
Made of stainless steel for extra comfort while sitting for a long time.
Ease of use: Storage space can be easily saved without having to use it.
VERSATILE: It can be used for younger babies, making it perfect for kids with different play areas.
On your behalf, you seek an enjoyable experience and with this high dining chair, which brings together high performance for all of you, your little members.”